Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Time to Minamize

 Yesterday, as I perused Pinetrest I became very motivated. There is something to be said about images. As, I looked at the health section I looked at all those fit women with cute bodies and sexy curves and then looked at mine. Where did those abs run off to? Where was that cute body I had in High school and when I dated my husband? Did it take some kind of vacation? Did it decide it like it better there then with me? Well, I sat down and made a 17week workout schedule, along with goals and a drinking schedule of 8 glasses of water. Good-by coke! I will miss you but, my abs won't!!! When I put my 17 week schedule on the calendar as well I learned that it would be right up to the summer time. At the end of 17 weeks I wrote evaluate self and make new exercise plan. I am hoping I will look better in a swimsuit this summer and just feel better. I am happy to say that I have stuck by my schedule but, it has only been two days. However, today I had another thought. If I was minimizing my weight why not unclutter the house as well? Get more organized and just live better in general. So, being the big list person that I am I sat down and made a plan to start decluttering and reorganizing. Today's project was the pantry, fridge, spice cabinet and some of the garage. Along, with sweeping, mopping, vacuuming and exercising. I was going to stop giving excuses! I want that cute body back!!
 So, tomorrow begins the garage and I have a feeling craigslist is going to end up being my best friend as I declutter our lives and put things up that I no longer need in the house. I have a feeling it may take a week just to work on that area. That will give me time to figure out what room I will take on next. I am thinking the kitchen, since it is right by the garage and work it that way. Who knows. All I know is that we have way to much that we don't use and it needs to go!!! Whether it is fat or excess stuff in the house it has got to go!!!